Tell us a little about yourselves!
We were together for over ten (10!) years before we got married at the city clerk’s office in New York. We started as friends back in university and our relationship and love really grew from there. A lot of life changes happen in your 20's, and we like to think that we continued to grow with and towards each other instead of apart.
Why did you decide to get married where you did?
We are planning to have a big celebration with family and friends in Bali, since Jelita grew up in Southeast Asia. However, because of local government/US embassy requirements and the COVID quarantine rules constantly changing we thought it would be easier to make it official at home in New York. This way when we do eventually celebrate in Bali it can be all fun!
How many guests did you have?
It was just us two!
Tell us about your outfits.
We really built our outfits around the white blazer dress (Jelita found it at Aritzia way before we even decided to have a courthouse wedding). From there, we started to collect items for the both of us that looked like they went together but were not too matchy-matchy. Aaron kept saying “we need to look like a fork and a knife not a spoon and a spoon!” Another important and deciding factor for our outfits was to make sure that we bought items that we loved and that we could wear again on their own. Our biggest splurges were on Jelita’s Jimmy Choo shoes and Aaron’s Reiss suit. It all really came together just days before we were married.
What was the most important aspect for you, in terms of planning your wedding?
The date! We really wanted to get married on the anniversary of our engagement. It was such a special time for us and Aaron did such a good job planning the proposal and designing the ring that it only felt right to keep this day as an important milestone for us moving forward.
Were there any elements that were important for you to incorporate?
Our cats! We knew we were going to get ready together and celebrate with cake and champagne at home so it was only fitting that they join in on the festivities too! Both of them were included in the “getting ready” part of our day.
Any tips for couples getting married, particularly during the pandemic?
Celebrate as many times as you want and however you want to! There are no rules.
Are there any vendors that you would like to tell us a little more about?
We didn’t really know what to expect with the courthouse process (especially during the pandemic) and our photographer Sylvie Rosokoff was a great resource. She helped us timeline out our appointment and gave us insider tips to ensure we got the date that we wanted. It really helps to have someone that can advise you while you are planning your special day, and she was that person for us.

Photographer : Sylvie Rosokoff @sylviethecamera | Ceremony Location : New York City Clerk – Marriage Bureau @nycgov | Flora : Urban Stems @urbanstems | Makeup + Hair : Mabel Pang at LRN Beauty @mable_pang @lrnbeautynyc @lrn.weddings | Nails : Sakie at Akiko Nails @sakienails @akikonails_nyc | Cake : Betty Bakery @bettybakery | Cake Topper + Stand : Etsy @etsy | Bride's Dress : Aritzia 'Babaton Futura Dress' @aritzia | Bride's Shoes : Jimmy Choo 'Kari 90' @jimmychoo | Groom's Suit : Reiss Wool Blazer + Trousers @reiss | Groom's Shoes :Bruno Magli Barone Monk-Strap Shoe @brunomagliofficial | Ring :Shahla Karimi Carre Cut Engagement Ring @shahlakarimi_jewelry