Captured by Helaine with Super-8 Film by Zach Barron, this editorial explores a new narrative of how people gather in the South and celebrates the countryside in summer, as well as the creative team's roots. Bringing with them the designs and influences from their time spent away, this editorial celebrates heritage with a modern twist.
The alfresco evening showcases the local landscape at Kingston Downs, breathtaking florals from 89th & Autumn and food and beverage favourites of Georgia from Blossom Hill including a sweet tea and bourbon welcome as a modern update on the 'bury the bourbon' wedding tradition, a full spread of regionally relevant dishes and desserts and a favour table inspired by the local farmer’s market.
The majority of the design was sourced from local farmers, thrift stores and the homes of the teams grandmothers. Incorporating family photos and postcards was a way to personalise the day and add authentic touches throughout, beautifully planned by Your Big Day ATL.
Through a deeply thoughtful approach, the team created a setting that is breathtaking, while remaining laid back, hoping to inspire couples across the country to come back home for their wedding day.
Photography & Creative Direction: Helaine @hellohelaine | Planning: Your Big Day ATL @yourbigdayatl | Florals: 89th & Autumn @89thandautumn | Venue: Kingston Downs @kingstondowns | Super 8: Zach Barron | Dress & Suit: Zara @zara | Shoes: Steve Madden @stevemadden & DSW @dsw | HMUA: Bridal Beauty Authority @bridalbeautyauthority | Rentals: Party Bound @party.bound | Tabletop: Breath & Bone (Pottery) @breathboneco The Prissy Plate Co. @theprissyplatecompany & Goodwill @goodwillintl | Catering: Blossom Hill @blossomhillbbq | Desserts: Goodness Graceous Baking @goodnessgraceousbaking